Thursday, February 7, 2013

Positivity in Death

Death may seem a little off subject, and may not seem "positive." That's because death is not a positive thing.  Experiencing death is very painful and that pain strikes at different strengths.  The most pain I have ever experienced related to death, was of my Nana. She was, without question, the most important person in my life. When someone is extremely close to you, that pain you feel inside can be so severe that you don't know if you can make it through another day.  The pain can be both emotional and physical, and very personal.

In the past week, I have experienced pain associated with death twice at two different strengths.  A week ago, a very dear friend of mine lost her Aunt.  I didn't know this Aunt so my pain wasn't personal. BUT, I still cried because there was pain in my heart. There was an emotion I didn't quite know what to do with. I live 2,000 miles from my friend and all I could do was visualize hugging her and letting her know I love her. 

Last night my mother called me, exactly a week after the death of my friend's Aunt, and told me that my great Uncle Buck passed away.  This struck a little closer to home because he is part of my family.  My relationship with him was far more casual than my mother's, that was her Uncle. But what I felt was a different strength of pain because I know how this directly affects my family.  I know how sad my mom is because I know what her relationship is like with her aunts and uncles. I visualized again, just hugging her and letting her know I love her.

Positivity in death?  Like I said, I personally don't see anything positive about death itself. The only thing that you might consider positive, is if this death releases some form of physical suffering for individuals who are battling a terminal illness or some disease that is undoubtedly going to take their life. 

What I meant by positivity in death, was, how do you stay positive within yourself when dealing with something so negative.  I don't know what the answer for everyone, but this is where I sought comfort. 

I sat alone in my thoughts and said thanks to myself. I said thanks and expressed gratitude for the life I have and the things in it. I also expressed my gratitude for some things in the lives of others that I am grateful for.  I also sent some "Om's" in my yoga practices to deliver healing to those who were suffering from the emotional loss they experienced.  That makes ME feel better.  I am doing what I can and sending positive energy out, and maintaining my positive energy within. Negative thoughts do surface, (like I've said before, I am human) but I redirect my focus to the good things that life has to offer and I accept death as part of life.

Keep breathing. Keep thanking. Keep sending positive thoughts, through love, to those who need it.


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