Thursday, February 21, 2013

Knowing you CAN

I often feel like can do many things in my life.  I often say I know I can do those things. Do I believe it?  Sometimes I do, depending on what it is. Other times I am trying really hard to have faith in that knowing...which really means, I think, that I don't believe it.

Today I feel like I need to step up a little bit and start KNOWING that I can do all the things I want to do and be.  I need to make it a feeling, and I need to add it to the changes I'm practicing.  I'll tell you where I started to struggle in these changes I'm implementing:

I get discouraged. Discouraging feelings make me question if what I "know" is right.

What happens when I get discouraged? Probably the same thing that happens when you get discouraged. You start to give up, and say you'll try again later.

I'll admit, the past 4 days I have not been doing a fantastic job with my yoga and meditation practice. (I've been doing it half the time or even a quarter of the time. Better than nothing, but not a good enough effort on my part).  I started to feel like I should have "lost weight" since I started doing this in the beginning of the year. Even though my initial focus was to improve my health, I sort of figured that losing weight was going to be a package deal so I hadn't worried about it. For some reason, it slapped me in the face the past few days and I started to think my efforts were being wasted a bit.

I was getting discouraged  the past few days because I was focusing on the wrong things.  Today I woke up and chose to refocus my energy to the positive things that have come from yoga and meditation. 

-I am physically stronger and I can FEEL it in my muscles
-I have improved flexibility
-I have stressed less. Much less.
-I have been more patient with myself and my surroundings
-I have been choosing to eat better, because I feel better
-I sleep more soundly

There are probably other benefits that I haven't quite notice yet, but I will see them eventually.  I just need to keep doing this. I have to KNOW that I can.  I have to act on that knowing. And, if I look at this list of positives, then I KNOW that what I initially set out to do (improve my health) is working!  So I can't stop, and I don't want to.

My Goddess card (I'll talk about those later) for today was Sekhmet. She said, "Be Strong. You are stronger than you think and your strength assures a happy outcome."

I can do this. I KNOW I CAN.

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