Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wrong Turns!

Just like you, I'm human. I've often tried to do my best, and there are countless times that I felt like throwing in the towel and just accepting things the way they are.  BUT, days, weeks, or even months later, I would throw my internal transmission into gear and start rolling again. The problem was this...

I'd drive down avenues that I was directed down. I made turns based on where I felt I "should" go. I took detours based on other people's suggestions. I've steered myself in the completely wrong direction several times because of where people EXPECT me to go.

I'm rapidly approaching 32, and I've recently come to the realization that this is my trip. My journey through life. I have no map with a definite destination. And, neither does anybody else. They only think they do. So, I've decided that if they want to be a navigation system, they should seek an opportunity to guide themselves away from making wrong turns in their own journey.

This year, I have decided to take better care of ME. To take time to do things for MYSELF. To venture into my own dreams and make wishes come true that I want.  How do I do that?  I'm not exactly sure if I can give an exact answer because I'm in the beginning stages of this practice. I have taken note that wishes don't always fall in your lap out of thin air. Sometimes it's more of something you're willing to do, rather than something you're wishing for. Example:  I have been "wishing" for years that I could learn how to wheel throw (you, know...making pottery like in the movie "Ghost?").  I would say it all the time.  Then, my brain told me one day, "Hey dummy! You aren't going to magically acquire this skill."  Ding, ding, ding!!!  So, recently I looked up pottery classes in my area, signed up, and now I'm taking my 4th class. Turns out I'm quite good!  I still have plenty to learn, of course, but I'm taking the time and making an effort to do this for ME. I made a right turn!

I have plenty of other things on my wish list. I just need to make some adjustments, and start calling it the "I WILL" list.  Because, if I'm not willing to do it for me, I can't expect results.

I am starting this blog to keep tabs on myself. To track my progress. To inspire others to do the same.  I am making the choice to guide myself, take chances, experience life, renew my health (lord knows I need to focus on that), and reflect on my wrong turns so I know where to avoid driving from here on out.

Let's GO!!!

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